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Skater's Code of Conduct

General Rules for all Members and Participants

  • Members and participants shall remain in good standing. Good standing is the state or condition of a person who has paid all dues outstanding to Skate Canada, a Club, or a Skating School (as applicable) and whom the Board has not declared not to be in good standing and, in the case of members, a member whose membership has not been terminated.
  • Courtesy, good manners and inclusion are expected of all members and participants.
  • Participants or members using foul language, yelling, "mouthing off" or displaying any aggressive action or behavior will be told to leave the ice/session immediately and their membership will be terminated. Similarly, bullying or verbal abuse by any member of the Club towards any member of the Club will not be tolerated. Participants engaged in these type of behaviors will be told to leave the ice/session immediately and their membership will be terminated. 

On-Ice Rules for all Skaters

  • Skaters are not to go on the ice until a coach is present and gives permission.
  • Skaters should get up as quickly as possible after a fall to keep the path clear for other skaters.
  • Do not interrupt a lesson or try to get the attention of a coach giving a lesson to a fellow skater.
  • Gum chewing, eating or drinking is not permitted while skating. Water bottles are permitted but must be kept to the side of the ice surface near penalty boxes or in the stands.
  • All Skaters must leave the ice immediately at the end of the session or when the Zamboni comes onto the ice.
  • All rink doors are to be closed securely before the session starts.

Additional On-Ice Rules for STARSkaters

  • Jumps are to be performed at the end of the rink.
  • Spins are to be performed at the centre of the rink.
  • When the skater's name is called for their music, they are to identify themselves to the music operator and position themselves promptly for their solo. The music should not be cancelled or waved off without good reason.
  • Each skater should attempt to identify each skater having their solo played and give them a clear run through their solo.
  • Priority for right of way on the ice is as follows: (1) skater having music played; (2) skater in a lesson; (3) skater moving backwards.

Skaters' Code of Ethics

This code of ethics applies to all skaters, officials, coaches, employees, board members, volunteers, alumni, and hall of fame members of Skate Canada and its affiliate organizations. The code of ethics also applies to parents and guardians who participate in and observe related activities.

a. I will conduct myself in a manner that is of the highest standards, follows Skate Canada’s vision and mission, and is athlete-centered.

    1. I will treat all people with respect, dignity, and sportsmanship.
    2. I will act on the belief that the athlete as a person is more important than their success or my success in the sport.
    3. I will conduct myself professionally during all interactions in and surrounding Skate Canada activities.
    4. I will use positive discipline that includes setting fair rules, listening, problem-solving, encouraging, and being a good example. I will not use harmful methods, such as but not limited to: hitting, name-calling, yelling, or using insults, intimidation, or rejection.
    5. I will disclose any conflict of interest and not allow myself to be influenced in a way that could conflict with the best interest of the organization or the organization’s reputation.
    6. I will not engage in behaviour that is intended to wrongfully manipulate the outcome of a competition or test.
    7. I will respect the coach/athlete relationship and will not solicit the athlete/s of another coach.
    8. I will never engage in any exploitative, abusive, or corrupt relationships. I will always act in a kind and judicious manner.
    9. I will support an inclusive sport for all, regardless of race, ancestry, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, disability or any other ground of discrimination prohibited by human rights legislation.
    10. I agree to follow the ISU’s Code of Ethics at all hosted and non-hosted ISU events.
    11. I agree to advocate and practice the principles of Safe Sport.
b. I will not participate in activities that are abusive or criminal. I will also not participate in activities that disrespect human rights or that risk the reputation of Skate Canada.
    1. I will adhere to all federal, provincial, municipal, and host country laws.
    2. I will notify Skate Canada if I face any new related criminal charges, ongoing criminal investigations, convictions, or bail conditions.
    3. I will not use my power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in sexual activity or to participate in unethical and/or criminal activities.
    4. I will not in any way behave sexually with children or youth. This includes but is not limited to the use of sexual jokes, language, and/or names; participation in sexual touching and/or exploitation; the use of, reference to, or participation in pornography.
    5. I will not participate in any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, physical or verbal abuse, neglect, intimidation, or exploitation.
    6. I will not use technology or social media to disrespect or exploit others.
    7. I will not abuse or exploit children or youth in any way and will immediately report to the appropriate authorities and Skate Canada ( if I see or suspect anyone else doing so.
    8. I will not possess, use, or promote the use of illegal substances or performance enhancing drugs.
c. I will follow all of Skate Canada’s bylaws, policies, and rules and commit to reading all amendments and updates at the time of registration and throughout the year.
d. I will not attempt to cover up or conceal any conduct of an individual that is, or may be, in breach of this Code and will report any violations.
e. I will fully cooperate with Skate Canada’s investigations.
f. I understand that a violation of this Code on my part may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Skate Canada.


GCSC follows the Skate Canada Safe Sport policies.

For more information please go to









 Glen Cairn Skating Club
 P.O. Box 24021
 Kanata, Ontario
 K2L 2C3



General Inquiries:

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